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Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Monday, March 9, 2020

The Colors of the Chicken Egg

Different breeds of chickens can lay different colored eggs. Last year we added a couple new breeds to our flock in hopes of getting those different colors in our eggs. Seen here are the dark brown eggs laid by our Cuckoo Marans. The blue eggs are from Ameraucanas and the olive colored ones were laid by our Olive Egger chickens. I'm still trying to figure out who laid the pink one!

After a day of collection, the chickens are really ramping up their laying!

Our rainbow of the chicken eggs! The Olive Eggers eggs are a bit used to getting used to. You almost think it's a rotten egg! They are delicious and fresh, I tried them myself.  We will have eggs available for $3.00 a dozen. They are fresh and usually laid within a day, you can't get much fresher than that!