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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Lamb tails and the unmentionable...

Today was tail and testicle day here on the farm! Using the proper tool (in the picture to the left), "The Band Castrator" , we went to work. The tool actually opens expanding the very small elastic band...
 which we open, guide the tail into and then close it onto the tail. The rubber band closes off the circulation to the tail and in a few days will fall off. It seems cruel but a sheep with a tail is a dirty mess. The fecal matter will build up atracting flies, maggots and infection.
Here are "Roses" two girls right after and they had a fit. They scooted, dropped to the ground and kicked. "Belle's" boys did fine. We actually did their tails on Thursday and they didn't even flinch, and today we did their testicles and still they act like it's nothing!

 This little girl pictured to the right, actually dropped to the ground and began to kick, contorted her body and looked like she was having a seizure! Poor baby lamb, but in the future it will be the best thing we ever did for her!


  1. Ok, so when I get sheep, you're gonna tutor me on this part, right? lol

    If you're working tomorrow, I'll probably see you...it's time. :o(

  2. Naomi, I won't be there tomorrow, but my thoughts will be with you. I am so sorry.
    Put your email on your blog so people can contact you...

  3. I have been told of lambs passing out en masse after being banded. I think I would, too!

  4. Thanks much for the thoughts...those three words we talked about on Friday resonate today.

    I didn't realize my email isn't there...I'll get it there ASAP! :o)
