The apiary sits on a hill just next to the garden and greenhouse. We have gardens planted with various flowers that attract them and provide them with a lot of pollen as well as neighboring yards. The storage bin is an essential part for keeping this and that. If you look closely each hive has a couple of cinder blocks for the smoker and tool placement.
Today I had a very exciting discovery, honey, but not just any honey! During the winter I did some research on how to get Comb Honey by putting a frame with foundation, then put a frame next to it with no foundation and repeat this process in the super which is the top box (smaller that they store "our" honey in). Not all the hives have this but this one is showing success with the process! In the first frame you can see where they have built comb in the negative space and filled it with honey!
This picture shows some of the space that they have not quite filled in yet. There are queen excluders to keep her down below so only honey is stored in these cells. I am trully excited about our bees this year, we will not only be offering honey for sale, but also lip balms, bee pollen, beeswax ornaments and comb honey!

im trying to catch up... i love hearing and seeing pictures of your bees! something i would love to do but just not feezable so will enjoy thru you! i did tell my daughter i wanted to do bees and she said oh mother.... enjoy your day!