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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Pepper heads home...

Today we loaded Pepper up for his journey back home. We loaded him onto the bed of the truck, placed some hay in the cage and he went right for it. Tim closed the door, strapped him in, covered him from the wind and off we went.

He knew he was home and was itching to get out.

He went right to his ewes to say hi! He was a great pleasure to have here, he is such a calm, sweet boy and we hope his lambs will be half as sweet as he is!

Meanwhile, back at the farm, the girls were all re-united and were happy to be together again. The two lamb ewes are too young and old "Belle" cannot have any more lambs, she is retired. However when the lambs arrive in Spring she helps to nurture them too!

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