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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Thursday, July 20, 2017

One last ditch effort...

Well hive 3 continues to struggle, did not raise a queen and if this doesn't get them jump started I just don't know what will. This frame shows a completely emerged bunch of bees with no food. The are healthy, calm and willing to work.

I gave them this frame from another hive. It is filled with eggs, larvae and capped brood. There is also honey stores to get them jumped started.  As you can see , I offered them this frame and they took to it quickly. This will be a last attempt to get this hive on track. It is getting late in the season for this hive to rebound in time for fall. Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Meet PJ!!!

Meet our little PJ! She is Peachy's daughter and is the most opposite of her mother that a bunny canot be. We call her Peachy Jr because she looks just like her mother. She is the sweetest, most relaxed bunny. Here I was brushing and plucking her out and she relaxed so much that her leg was hanging off the bench. Just an easy going little girl!

The ring of color in her wool is very nice too! Looking forward to what she has to offer as a wooler!

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Getting another box...

Well the swarm that was caught on Memorial Day has done so well that it earned another hive body! I couldn't be more pleased with this swarm that was gifted to us. The queen is fantastic and has delivered in every way! Onto them continuing to grow! A true hive success!

Monday, July 10, 2017

The gaze of the broody hen

Oh the deep dark gaze of the broody hen as she sits on her eggs, day in and day out. I feel so bad for them as I collect their eggs leaving their fake egg behind. Nature is the only thing that will make her break the hypnotic state of a broody hen. Sadly we can't let them all sit, we just wait for that blank stare to show their spirit again.

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Happenings in the Apiary

Last week while poking around in the Apiary, I discovered that hive 2 finally has a queen! I found this beautiful lady along with some eggs and larve! I guickly grabbed her and marked her. So happy to finally see this struggling hive make a turn around.

Hive 1 had many queen cells of  just one frame so I too, that opportunity to attempt another split for hive 3, closed the girls in for a couple of days. If they are not successful this time we will call it and shut it down until next year.

Today I decided to take a quick peak and feed them. Good thing I went up completely suited up! They were by the book aggressive which is a sign they are raising a queen!! This is them rushing up between the feeder tl get at me, thankfully there was a screen between us. We will look in our  them next week for what I hope is positive signs!