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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Bees and Babies!

Yesterday Tim picked up our bees, something he is not always too fond of! By the time I got home, it was cold and getting dark so tomorrow was another day.
We got the hives ready and prepared to hive them. A little spray of sugar water kept them calm and happy.

I pried the tops off to get to the queens.

Thankfully both queens were fine and healthy in the queen cages.

Once we were done, our granddaughter Scarlett, our son Timmy and her mom Sarah came to visit. This was Scarlett's first time now that she is older, where she can understand the animals. She quickly learned that she can feed them banana chips and she had a blast doing it!

One of our Alpacas, Norman actually let her pet him! He never lets anyone pet him!

He was so gentle with her, especially when she forgot to let go of the banana chip!

She even fed Maddie, one of our angora goats! Look how Norman is snuggling Scarlett! He was quite taken with her.

She was amazed by our chickens and Autumn too! We had some time connecting with nature. She got to feel the ground, a stick, a rock, a hickory shell. a white pine bow and a pinecone too! This kid may just be a nature girl after all!

And at the end of the day, the bees are inside, locked down and we are hoping no visits from the bear this year! We are planning to install an electric bear fence in a few weeks. Keeping our fingers crossed!!!

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