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Our sign in peace

Monday, September 10, 2012

Honeybees making Propolis...amazing!

I was lucky enough to come across this amazing find the other day, bees collecting to make Propolis!

At the base of a tree, where it has an opening I saw a bunch of honeybees busy at work collecting.

I had only read in books but never actually witnessed the process of how they do it. Bee Propolis is a substance made by the honeybee that provides protection against harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi. Propolis is plant resin collected by bees from trees and plants for use in the hive. It acts a a glue, they seal everything with this substance which is usually an orange resin type substance making hard at times to even get the hive open. The bees mix in substances derived from pollen and active enzymes to form a potent protection for their hive.
I must say I feel blessed to have seen this for myself. We all need to take a walk sometimes and see what nature is showing in today's matinee'.

1 comment:

  1. Propolis is a fantastic bee supplement and it can have loads of health benefits. Find them out at - http://www.rainbowwellbeing.com/
