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Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

A Sea of Bee Balm!

 My favorite flower of summer is Bee Balm, hands down. It is so beautiful and blooms around the 4th and all throughout July. I planted a garden of it some years ago in our driveway and it has thrived.
When I was out taking these pictures I found a few species of bumblebees, this is a large one busy at work...
 and then I looked over and saw a very rare Hummingbird Moth hovering about drinking some nectar from the flowers! There were also honeybees, butterflies, hummingbirds and smaller bees partaking in the feast as well.
Such a beautiful perennial flower also known as Horse Mint, Monarda, Bergamont and  Oswega Mint . The Native Indians used it for a medicinal plant as well as teas. If you plant it, give it room to take over, it loves to spread out and share it's beauty!


  1. Love this - it's been a very long time since I've seen a Hummingbird Moth. Next year I'm planting Bee Balm for sure - I may have to start a new bed, though, since I have so much shade. Thanks for this post!

  2. Gorgeous! My Bee Balm is going gangbusters, and smells so great. Our neighbors bees hang out in our garden for most of the day...lol

  3. There actually were 4 Hummingbird Moths!
