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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Saturday, April 19, 2014

My new beekeeping partner and the bees are here!

 The Apiary aka Bee Yard is up and running! We are now up to 5 hives with the additional hive owned by a woman I am mentoring. I am so excited about this because it gets lonely up there working away with no one to talk to but the bees! Yesterday we worked together and 4 hands are definitely better than two! We located the queens and marked them which is so much easier to do with someone helping!
This is Kisha's new hive! The bees are active and adapting quite well. Looking forward to teaching her what I know and learning together. The bees are forever teaching us!


  1. I so applaud your ability to work so closely in tune with the seasons, and all that means. I love receiving your
    e-mail updates, getting caught up on all of your various activities. I so wish that I could do what you are doing.
    Blessings to you, my friend.

  2. Why thank you :) However, you can do things that can help you to live a sustainable life no matter where you are you can!!!
