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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Guess who came to live on Coon Hollow Farm???

Well we will give you a hint: their fleece is incredible and is called mohair, are does (girls)...they are Angora Goats!!!               

We loaded them into my moms SUV and made our way home with them. They are so calm, laid back ladies. They laid down for most the trip and enjoyed the ride.

They don't have names, this lady has blond colored horns.

This little lady has black horns, one is bigger than the other. They were not sure if they are related or not.

I spent some time with them today after the craziness with the lambs being born. They are next to the ewe and her lambs and they watched the lambs with great intent last night. They let me touch them a bit, are a little nervous but I did get a chance to get my fingers in their fleeces! All I can say is "OMG"! So soft! Now we need to name them!!!

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