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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Friday, August 18, 2017

Predator and Prey

You just cannot have farming without the constant threat of predators. That threat happened here yesterday with a hawk attack on ours as well as our neighbors chickens. Just as I heard the warning get calls from the roosters I quickly slipped on my shoes and spun around in time to see a red shoulder hawk come right down on this pretty girl above. As I was running our dog Autumn was right on the situation. The hawk had dragged her into a bunch of pricker bushes. Autumn couldn't get to it but I jumped in, the hawk released and flew off to our neighbors yard and grabbed one of their chickens! We quickly ran over and got the chicken away, she flew up into a tree and Autumn paced and barked. Our neighbor came out to the scene and quickly began hazing methods to get the hawk to fly off. Both chickens are fine but a little traumatized over their ordeal.

I just don't know what I would do without my side kick. She has prevented more attacks than I can count. A street dog we adopted a few years ago has become our greatest tool in the never ending predator and Prey struggle.

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