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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Is it real or is it?

This time of year, when it's cold, honey will crystalize. This is the sign of true honey. Honey will crystalize at 50 degrees or under. This time of year, our house is cold. We live in Connecticut and keep our house cold. We heat primarily with wood and are not fans of a hot house. This morning I went into the cabinet and to get some honey with breakfast and was surprised with what I saw or was I? This is a bottle of our bees honey which has crystalized because it is cold behind that cabinet. 

And right next to it was this bottle of honey that I bought at a shop which claimed to be pure Lavender honey. This honey has not crystalized at all. This is a sure sign that this is not pure honey at all. The label claims that bees made tis in Lavender fields but I am not convinced. This was infused with a flavor. I am surprised because it is from what I thought was a reputable honey company, but I guess not. This is why you should always know your beekeeper and where your honey is coming from. Honey is not heavily regulated and often it is imported from other countries which mix and cut it with other things. 

So in a nutshell, pure on the left and not so much on the right. The Lavender honey doesn't even taste like Lavender, and lets not even mention what I paid for it! When buying honey, remember buyer beware! Know your beekeeper! 

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