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Our sign in peace

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Making Herbal Iced Tea the easy way!

Do you grow those herbs and just don't know what to do with them? There are so many things and exploring the possibilities is all the fun! You can make a simple herbal iced tea the easy way with just a few steps. In the picture above I have chosen some herbs. Top to bottom are: Apple Mint, Peppermint, Lemon Balm, Lemon Verbena, Spearmint and Kentucky Mint. 

You can use a store bought tea, make a store bought iced tea mix, make sun tea by placing water in a jar with tea bags in the sun, or whatever you choose. In this case I have selected a store bought tea.

Place your washed herbs in the container whole, place the lid back on and put in the refrigerator for 24 hours. This will allow the herbs to seep their wonderful flavors into your tea.

Simply pour into a glass, add a sprig of mint for garnish and your friends will be so impressed by this flavorful tea! Enjoy!!!!

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