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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Making Bird Suet with this and that

After the holidays, our pantries are filled with a bunch of this and that! Instead of throwing it away or waiting for the pantry moths to take hold you need to put it to good use. So what do I do with it? I make bird suet! I pull out what I have like oats...
The unused half packages of nuts...
The different "crumbs"...
I chop down my nuts into small bits...
Go to the butcher at your local grocery store and get some beef suet fat. Put it into a pot and render it by simmering it to melt off all the fat. Pour the fat into a stainless steel bowl while its still hot.
 Toss some birdseed into the bowl...
Add a couple of tablespoons of some natural creamy peanut butter...
Some flour too to get thickness, maybe about a cup...
I recycle my suet cake holders and use them to make molds. These feeders are log jammer feeders and I just can't seem to get the right size plugs for them so I make my own!
And there is some suet! A little this and that will do ya! There is no measuring, just throw in what you can. You want to use gloves to shape it because the fats and peanut butter are hard to wash off your hands. You can also add dried fruits such as cranberries and raisins too!
I make some plugs and mold some suet cakes that I toss into the freezer for when I need them again.
Hang them outside and are already to go!
In minutes I took this picture from the window. If you blow it up you can count at least 7 birds that came in quickly to the front feeder to eat the suet. So there you go! Make your own out of this and that! Don't throw those holiday leftovers away! Make suet! The birds will thank you!


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