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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Thursday, March 25, 2021


While collecting eggs yesterday, I came across this very large egg! All I could think was, "Ouch! That had to hurt." The smaller egg next to it is an extra large sized egg so you have a scale of just how big the egg was! This happens because of two possible scenarios. The first being that it was laid by a young hen who may not have all her reproductive organs formed just right. Her body fills two yolks into the developing egg. The other possible reason could be a chicken at the end of her egg laying cycle also may have done it due to the same reason. Either way that had to hurt. 

 Not always does an egg that large contain two yolks but in this case this one did. I have seen eggs this large with just one, but still! Ouch!!! It made for a fine breakfast so that was a good thing!

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