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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Monday, July 5, 2021

Movin' on up!

With a stretch of cooler weather it was time for the turkeys to move up to the coops. Let's just say it did not go as smoothly as we would have liked. Did you know turkeys vomit when they are stressed out? I took 2 and Tim took 3! By the time we were at the coop they were going in, well lets just say a change of clothes was necessary.
There was also some pooping going on, lets just say it was a both ways transfer! Their bottoms got a bit dirty. They adjusted quickly though and seemed to like their new surroundings. We put a hardware cloth barrier between them so they can acclimate to the other chicks as they become familiar with their surroundings. 

 Little Ricardo Shilly Shally is growing like a weed and is just the cutest thing! By my next post of them they will all be double in size!