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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Monday, November 28, 2011

The end of the Harvest, signs are everywhere...

I hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving. Ours was very nice, Tim and I had some time off from our jobs, my dad was visiting and we just had some time to catch up. The farm yard was gifted with the left over pumpkins... 

"Cyrus" seems to be asking "Winchester" what he might think is in the trough?!

 The plants were moved out of the greenhouse and into the house. The patchouli plant was getting wilty and was happy to get inside. The counters are cleaned, everything put away until Spring...        

The bee hive was closed up for the winter and the equipment put into the bin for winter storage. This year I am trying an inverted candy board that Tim had made to seal the base. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this will help sustain them throughout the cold weather...

and with the leftover pumpkins that I grew, Pumpkin Jam is on the stove. This recipe is a three day process so I hope it's good! I also made pumpkin pie as well as Jalapeno Jelly from my garden harvest for Yule gifts for some deserving folks! So as we gear up for the next holiday, I am pleased with my harvest and look to the next one as the wheel of our year turns...

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