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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Sunday, November 6, 2011

We made it through...

After a long full week with no power, no water, freezing cold temps we are back! On October 29th the State of Connecticut was hit with a historic nor'easter snow storm that knocked out power to close to 80 percent of the people of our state. The destruction was unprecedented, down power lines, trees snapped in half by a heavy snow and the weight of the trees. In the picture above, a huge sycamore leaf with debris as a tiny example...
This was one of the branches that hung from our power lines across from our animal fencing. We had snapped trees that politely missed our newly installed fencing. Not having power after what we went through in August for 5 days after Hurricane Irene was thought to be a nightmare that was long behind us. We were skilled by that storm however, so a carting water we did for the animals, fired up the wood burning stove, spent lots of time at the various family members who allowed us to shower and fed us meals. So it's back to the regular routine but we will never forget how we were challenged and how we persevered always thinking that it could be worse. However, as I type this I think of my friends who are still in the dark and are waiting for their power to be restored and my heart is heavy for them...

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