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Our sign in peace

Saturday, October 13, 2012

A mad dash to harvest!

Yesterday was spent in a mad dash to harvest the garden because we were getting our first hard frost. Even Tim's Topsy Turvy which netted quite a few tomatoes had to be harvested... 
Tim's Topsy Turvy growing Heirlom Tomatoes

Bush String Beans
Harvested Oregano

A late season raspberry
Lemon Verbena

Cinnamon Basil
Sweet Basil


Harvested and labeled Oregano

Hanging to dry Oregano
So the harvest is complete and our growing season  is over but we have a bounty of herbs and canned items to get us through the cold months.


  1. Hello, wow....you did really good, nice crop of goodies. Enjoy, Francine.

  2. I love harvesting my herbs and enjoying them thru the winter! I noticed i have so beautiful parsley i need to get in maybe tomorrow. Enjoy!
