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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Monday, December 31, 2012

Hail and Farewell 2012...

Hail and Farewell 2012, a year who has brought me to my knees in sadness, grief, struggle, betrayal and most of all knowing who is really there for me. The loss of my sister ripped my heart out and I will never be the same for that. The loss of a job who taught me just how horrible people and a corporation can really be. There was so much loss, it is hard to focus on the good things that happened this year. So as I have reflected all day, all there is left to do is to move on from here and leave this year behind, moving forward and hoping that life takes a reprieve from heart break and brings peace to us all...Happy 2013 everyone!


  1. Hi
    2012 has left it's mark on me for all time. I do believe things will get better and I wish you a new and bright beginning in 2013

    Blessed Be

  2. Wishing you all best of things in 2013 xxxx
