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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Friday, April 5, 2013

Changing of the guard...

 Sadly this morning when I opened the chicken coop, our old rooster "Big Red" had passed away during the night. He had a long tough road and was really coming along well. I was about to post new pics of his progress. I inspected the wound after his passing and it had healed so nicely. He was a tough bird and we are somewhat surprised by his passing...
so it's time for his son, "Red Jr" or as we have been calling him, "Studly". He has stepped up into the role of a rooster, watching over his flock. Always concerned of the slightest distress in one of his hens, and today stepped in to take over his fathers flock as well. In both pictures here he is on alert, watching his girls, all 26 of them! RIP "Big Red" I will never forget you and will always respect you!