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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Friday, February 21, 2014

What is this you ask???

What is this you ask? What is that in the snow? Only the most wonderful thing to a beekeeper, bee poop!!! We are having some warmer temps here in Connecticut. The bees were all out yesterday with a great need to have "cleansing flights". it has been a very cold and snowy winter here. I have been most worried about my bees. Yesterday, I came home from work, stepped out onto the deck with the dogs and then saw the most amazing thing, the bees flying about, the snow speckled with "bee poop" everywhere. With a month until the first day of Spring, I am encouraged that they will be okay. It has taken me 5 years to trouble shoot and figure out what is best for the bees. Hang on "girls", Spring is almost here!