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Our sign in peace

Our sign in peace
Our sign in peace

Friday, June 12, 2015

Do we have a queen or don't we?

So, I did an inspection on the hive I started on May 20th. It was a split from an Observation Hive. They had queen cells that had emerged but no sight of a queen or any evidence that they had one. The hive was very docile but no eggs. However there still could be a queen, just a little soon to tell, but i am not taking any chances. I added a frame of brood from another hive, lots of eggs, larvae and capped brood as you can see above.

This is the other side of the frame. The little white worm looking thinks are baby honeybees in their larvae stage, the other are capped baby bees! So we give a few days, go back in and see what we have there!

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